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Environmental News about Africa

Tuesday, the 18.02.2025 The Time is: 19.14.51 Now are 0 User online
This is a part of our new English translated website,
translated by Rynya Kollias, who is a poet: www.rynya.de
Here you will always get information about the latest News of Africa.
Tuesday, 20.11.2007, 7:30 pm, Lecture, Film and Diskussion

Forests for Africa

Film about Michael Yao Tomfeah - 'he who fights against the desert', made by the Bavarian Broadcast.
Michael Yao Tomfeah was born in Ghana and is the chair man of the African Reforestation Union,
which was founded in 1989.
The main concern of the Union is Education.
The goal is to secure living standards of the people by interweaving
Agriculture with Forestry matters ('Agro-Forestry').
Michael Yao Tomfeah reports about various projects and their successes in his homeland
- slide show and film (30 Minutes).
At the end of the lecture he is open for discussion.

Entry free

Where: Augsburg, Germany

Donation proceeds

Afrika festival July 2007 in Landshut, Germany

At the end of october, the organizers of the African festival 2007, handed over the donation proceeds to the 3 supported projects.
Each one of them gets 300 Euro and one of the organisations is our African Reforestation Union.
The donations that were raised during the Africa Festival in 2007 shall be used to build wells in three villages in the Ada District in Ghana.

Michael Yao Tomfeah hopes that the start of this project encourages
the people of Landshut to support it further

- Quote from the Landshuter Newspaper, 25th of October 2007.
Below you can see a scan of an article about our Union which was published at
the Landshuter Newspaper on Weekend 17./18. November 2007:
Aus der Landshuter Zeitung vom Wochenende 17/18.November 2007

Further Events in 2007:

- Summer festival in Munich.
- Town Park Festival in Landshut.

Further Events in 2006:

- Summer festival in Munich.
- Town Park Festival in Landshut.
- Afrika Festival in Landshut.
- Information stall in the town of Landshut in November.


Environmental protection is peace work

The kenian environmentalist Wangari Maathai received the nobel peace prize in 2004.
As justification for this, the Oslo nobel peace prize committee said:
"We decided to give the prize because of the fact
that an intact environment is the base for peace".




The african reforestation union congratulates Mr. Ron Williams (external Link)
for the award of the german order of merit (Bundesverdienstorden).
The american entertainer received this great award for his
dedication in integrating foreigners in Germany.
Much emphasis was placed on the "Tour für Toleranz" , (external Link)
a project by Mr. Williams, whereby he leads discussions about violence,
hate and intolerance at schools.
Mr. Williams is and has been a friend and member of our union for many years.